Underneath we have a selection of alpaca videos of the farm, our alpacas, halter training and commercial exposure. By way of some introductions, our videos include “Down on the Farm” which was shot by CBeebies here at Spring Farm in March 2016 and broadcast in May 2016. It features JB Gill (of JLS fame) and Vicki along with our amazing Spring Farm Alpacas. CBeebies also have a section titled “alpaca factfile” narrated by Storm on their website which gives information and video from the shoot here.
Needless to say our alpacas find numerous ways to star in our videos and if you have the time, you will see them dust bathing, alarm calling, alpaca crias playing and alpacas mating (tastefully shot). Even Spring Farm’s llamas get in on the act and you can see part of their halter training. Some of the alpacas in the videos have now found new homes so are not here at Spring Farm for you to see (or sign autographs) but we carefully select new alpaca videos (and llama videos) and upload them regularly. We do like to keep this section of alpaca videos instructive so you will also find videos of foot trimming (at the bottom) and drenching amongst the fun and frolicking!
If our alpaca videos inspire you to consider purchasing alpacas, we have often have young male alpacas, young female alpacas and older alpacas for sale who we don’t advertise directly, either because they are yet to reach the right age or because we are trying to keep the grass under control! They will all be halter trained and friendly, so contact us for our current availability. Please contact us for details and we’ll be glad to provide you with information on alpacas available to buy.